Imagine if adjusting your meal times could help tackle one of the most challenging neurological conditions we face today. This...
Imagine if changing what you eat for just a few days a month could help your brain stay healthy as...
Fascinating research suggests that taking breaks from eating—known as intermittent fasting—might help mice mend their nerves after injury. Scientists are...
Have you ever considered skipping meals as a way to boost your memory? It sounds like a strange idea, but...
Ever wondered if all calories are created equal? Well, recent research involving our furry friends, mice, shows that the type...
Imagine if making a face at a bad smell could help you live longer. Sounds strange, right? But this could...
Imagine if we could borrow the secrets of longevity from creatures that have mastered the art of living long and...
When life gets overwhelming, it can feel like a heavy weight is pulling us down. This isn't just a human...
Have you ever wondered if it's possible to become more susceptible to hypnosis? Well, it turns out that a group...
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